styling step by step

Styling opportunities are everywhere in a home – and styling is often what makes a room feel complete. Imagine a room with great furniture but no pillows, no books, no photos, no indicators of who actually lives in the house. Sounds kind of boring, right?? Whether it’s a shelf, a coffee table, a cozy corner, a mantel - you name it, it can be styled. But it can be overwhelming knowing where to start, or what looks good together, and how to achieve that perfect balance between empty and cluttered. So here’s the process to follow:

Step #1:

Take all the decor items you have in your house and bring them into one place. The good news is you probably already have a good amount. Lay them out on a table and do a little Marie Kondo exercise - look at each one and ask yourself if it truly brings you joy, is meaningful or beautiful and if the item doesn’t check one of those boxes… time to say goodbye. 

Step #2:

Start grouping them in ways you think the objects look good together. A good rule of thumb here is every vignette (or grouping of objects) should have something tall, something wide and something organic. You can also use the color of the item to start creating grous. Try to vary the texture, material and height to add depth and interest. Our eyes typically like groupings of three or odd numbers, but don’t feel like you have to stick to that - remember, design rules are sometimes meant to be broken. 

Step #3:

Think about where in your house each vignette could go and try not to limit yourself based on where things were previously! Just because that tray you have was always on the coffee table doesn’t mean it couldn’t be perfect for a bathroom countertop. 

Start with the functional items: a candle in the bathroom, a book on a nightstand, coasters on the coffee table. Then layer in the non-functional items like vases, greenery, decorative objects, wooden beads, bowls, etc. 

Step #4:

Now that you’ve taken inventory and made some groupings, time to start styling! If you’re working on a shelf, start from the middle and work your way outwards. If it’s a long shelf, try to achieve visual balance - if you have a huge pot on one side, put something else large on the other side or it will feel lopsided. 

If you’re working on a coffee table, make a grid in your head (or with painter’s tape). The taller things should go in the center squares and lower things should go around it. Make sure there is something touching every square, but be intentional, don’t go overboard. 

Step #5:

If you need to buy things to make your vignette complete, don’t just go online and buy the first thing you see or a random trinket while you’re at Target. These things should show your personality and make you smile, so finding the perfect thing may take time. Maybe you find it at a flea market, or on vacation, or maybe it is at Target (which is totally fine!) but the point is don’t rush this part. 

Step #6:

Once your vignette feels complete, take a picture. It may feel silly but sometimes you’ve stared at the same floating shelf for so long you start going crazy and can’t see how good (or not so good) it actually looks. Take a picture and look at it later. Would you be proud to post the picture on instagram? If you saw the picture in a magazine would you say “WOW” or “meh?”

Step #7:

Don’t be afraid to move things around! If it’s not quite the way you like, try switching out an object, or move one a little further back to add depth. Even if you leave it for a month then want to change it again, you go my friend.

Quick Tips & Tricks: 

  • Always start with a blank canvas (see step 1) 

  • I love using books, open or closed, facing forward or backward. They’re a great way to add height for shorter objects and to showcase what you’re interested in. Make sure to always remove the covers! Trust me, it will look 100 times better. 

  • When you’re out shopping, try not to buy anything smaller than a cantaloupe. Lots of small things are how styling starts to look cluttered or busy so when in doubt, go BIG.

  • Photos are great; if they’re small (5x7 or smaller) add a mat and put it in a larger frame. 

  • Place artwork and photos at the back of the shelf and place other objects in front to add depth 

  • Asymmetry is your friend! 

  • Choose accessories that contrast with the surface they are on 

  • Special objects can be left alone to really make them a focal point 

elevated partnership: Artiplanto

I don’t think I’ve ever decorated a room without using a plant. But if you have more of a black thumb than a green thumb, there are some amazing faux options out there! That’s why I’ve partnered with Artiplanto, whose slogan is “Plants make people happy." Artiplanto provides high-quality, premium-grade faux plants that instantly liven an empty corner or complete that coffee table vignette. Shipping in the US is fast, convenient and if you partner with me for design services, you will receive a special discount on all products. So reach out and let’s elevate your space with some plants! 


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