Elevating work travel: while you’re there

Next in our new series, Elevating work travel, is how to actually have a little fun while you’re there! You may be in a city you’ve never been to or maybe you're free from the kids or pets or partner for a few days, so why not make the most of it?

Exploring Cities

When you get to your city, take advantage of the novelty of being in a new place! Are there restaurants to try? Parks where you can go for a morning walk? A famous cocktail bar that you’ve seen on Instagram?

Do a little research ahead of time and pick one thing that you’d like to see while you’re there. I’m fortunate that with my work travel I have some flexibility in scheduling, so I always choose at least one thing to go try that I can’t do in my hometown. Have some fun and take a break from the grind of the office.

Another good way to explore cities is to see who is in your network there: Do you have parents’ friends who you could see in Seattle? Or a college friend who ended up in Baltimore? Is there another co-worker who is local who you could meet for the first time? Reach out and schedule a drink or a coffee with them. Reconnecting with people is a great way to fill your cup, learn about a new city, and give you something to look forward to if you travel to the same location on a regular basis. This will also improve your networking skills and your network’s size, and both of those are valuable as you continue in your career.


Upholding non-negotiables

This one is so important. Coined by Tik Tok queen Tinx, the idea is these are things that you absolutely must do to keep your sanity, your health and your joy. It can be as small as a 5-minute morning meditation, or journaling before bed or as big as a 60-minute workout every day and drinking 80 ounces of water. Pick a few of the daily routine things that make you better at home, and make sure you do them on the road. For me, it’s movement before any meetings and 7 hours of sleep. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had trips (i.e. conferences in Vegas) where that 7 hours slips, but it is always a goal of mine.



These are important on work trips because it gives you a sense of your normal routine, and generally the non-negotiables are things that make you feel better. If you’re taking care of yourself on work trips, you’ll show up as your best self in your meetings and won’t feel as drained when you get home.

When I’m on the road, I make a plan for a morning workout – maybe a 15-minute Peloton strength class in the hotel gym, a 20-minute walk with a news podcast and a coffee to start the day, or a 12-3-30 on the hotel treadmill. It doesn’t have to be the longest, best workout I’ve ever had, but moving my body, at least a little, before sitting in meetings makes me better at my job. Whatever your non-negotiables are, choose them, stick to them, and thank yourself later.

Elevated tip: If you belong to a bigger fitness studio chain, like OrangeTheory, SolidCore or Core Power, there might be an option for a class near your hotel!

Happy travels!



Elevating Work travel: onsite Meetings