maximizing small spaces

As we approach the halfway point in our year of living in South America (crazy!), I’ve been thinking a lot about decluttering my life, living more minimally, and making the most of the things I own instead of giving into the constant narrative that in order to be happy we need to buy more and more stuff. My boyfriend and I used to live in a fairly big townhome with big closets for all my clothes and a big kitchen with lots of gadgets and appliances. But for the last 6 months, we’ve been living out of two suitcases in small AirBnBs with kitchens that only have the basic essentials… and guess what? I still find a way to put together cute outfits, we’ve cooked some amazing meals, and the only shopping I’ve done is a new pair of shoes (because mine literally fell apart) and a new shirt on my birthday. It’s truly amazing what we can do with less. 

So, sorry for the monologue, but what I’m getting at is that even if you live in a small space or have a small budget, there is so much you can do to make your space look and feel elevated! Here are a few things to consider: 

Take measurements 

  1. In a small space, every inch counts! Before purchasing, make sure you measure the room, the doorways, the windows, and the furniture you are considering. That way you can determine the proper size of furniture to maximize the space while maintaining pathways for traffic flow 

    elevated tip: the proper pathway is minimum 24” and ideally 36”

Use full-sized furniture 

  1. It may seem counterintuitive, but using a bunch of small furniture and decor will actually make the room feel smaller. So while you don’t want to buy a couch or chair or mirror that’s too large, you also need to make sure it properly fills the space. Again, measuring is key. 

Photo cred: @emilyhenderson

Keep it simple 

  1. As I’m learning in life and in design, less is more! Pick a few key quality pieces you really love and stick with those. Adding lots of items will make the room feel too full and busy. 

Photo cred: @Iconicdesignbuild

Keep it clean 

  1. This may seem obvious, but small spaces get cluttered a lot faster so keeping an organized space is crucial. For me, this means a little tidying up every day so it doesn’t get overwhelming. 

Photo cred: @Studiomcgee

Add mirrors

  1. This is an old trick, but it works! Mirrors reflect light and help make the room appear larger. Hang a mirror on the wall or choose a low profile leaning floor-length mirror that doesn’t take up too much space. 

Photo cred: @simplymodernliving

Make it multifunctional

  1. A closet that’s also an office. A desk that’s also where you get ready in the mornings. Whatever it is, think: ‘how can I use this space or this piece of furniture in more ways than one?’ 

Photo cred: @thehavenly 

Hang it up 

  1. Getting things off the ground helps maximize the space and de-clutter. Add a shoe rack, a coat rack, or just add a few fun hooks to a wall and instantly the room looks cleaner and therefore larger. 

Photo cred: @undecoratedhome

Go vertical 

  1. Small spaces often have low ceilings. Look for tall slim furniture, hang art vertically, and hang curtains high to draw the eye up and give the room height. 

Photo cred: @Wayfair

Let light in 

  1. As much as you can, open the shades, draw back the curtains so you’re not blocking the window, and get as much natural light as possible to give the room an open, airy feeling. 

Photo cred: @Homepolish


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